• PAPER 3

PHILOSOPHY OF SUCCESS by James Aremu-Cole, Ph.D.


Scripture: For as he thinks in his heart, (mind) so is he. Proverbs 23:7


Is man equipped to succeed in life? If the answer is “yes” what is that equipment?  The answer is yes, and that equipment is nothing other than the mind. God gave man a mind with which he is to “have dominion” over all of God’s creation, he has used his mind for that purpose, including taming the wildest beasts, conquering seemingly “impenetrable” environment, and he has even ventured into outer space.

However, in spite of these outstanding achievements, success at the personal, national and international levels has largely eluded him.  Why is that so? This paper looks at three: failure to think, absence of goals, and embracing limiting beliefs and negative self-talk.


Success has been defined in different ways, but we’ll define success in these simple terms: “the progressive realization of a pre-determined goal.” “Progressively becoming what one desires to be.”  “The favorable termination of anything attempted.” Success can therefore be perceived as a personal journey, and not a destination.

Keys To Success

We’ll consider two keys that are essential for success.

Firstly, the starting point of every success story is a thought or idea, and both are products of thinking. So, success requires thinking, and thinking demands mental energy, focused attention, and persistence which, studies have shown, 95% of the population in any nation do not possess. In essence, only 5% of the world actually think.

Secondly, the first step towards any meaningful achievement is having a goal or desire. Desire or goal is what provides something tangible for both man and God to work upon. Some Christians even conflate desire with the voice of God, which may not be far-fetched for the scripture says in Philippians 4:13: “for it is God who works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.’ It is therefore important to pay attention to our desires and evaluate them in the light of God’s Word and our talents.

Laws of Success

The philosophy of success is governed by many laws, but this paper will consider only two : The Law of Thinking and The Law of Attraction.

The Law of Thinking

This law states: “We become what we think.” The Bible’s version is in Proverbs 23:7, “For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

We unknowingly make psychic contact with minds that think along the same lines as us, and before you know it, those minds are brought in contact with us in real life. This is the process whereby success-minded people, with no obvious conscious effort, attract other success-minded people to themselves.

One common trait of all successful individuals is that they possess a positive mental attitude, sometimes called a “winning mindset.” The big difference therefore between the one who succeeds and another who fails is that one thinks he CAN, while the other thinks he CAN’T.

Scriptural Illustration:

David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17

David stood zero chance against Goliath, but possessing a positive, “I CAN” mentality, provoked the miraculous slaying of the giant with a slingshot. He believed he could, declared his intention to kill the giant, and against all odds, he did. Take special note of David’s winning mindset expressed in verses 45-47.  Note the specifics of v.46. Then compare and contrast with the “spies’ report” in Numbers 13:30-33.

The Law of Attraction:

This law says, “You attract to yourself whatever you desire.” Another version says “To desire is to expect, and to expect is to have,” which is why some call it the Law of Desire and Expectation. This corresponds with the teaching of Jesus Christ in Mark 11:24 that says: “What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” In other words, Desire leads to =>Expectation, which leads to =>Receiving.  And it doesn’t matter whether what you desire is good or bad since natural laws are impartial.

Therefore, never expect what you don’t desire, and never desire what you don’t expect. To desire what you don’t expect is to simply dissipate valuable mental force, and to expect what you don’t want will attract the undesirable. Job proved this when he said, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.” Job 3:25

Scriptural Illustration:

Elisha and the widow with a jar of oil: 2 Kings 4:1-7

The widow of one of the prophets approached Elisha for help because a creditor threatened to enslave her two sons. Elisha instructed her to borrow as many pots as she could find, and to keep pouring the small quantity of oil into the borrowed pots. Miraculously, the jar of oil continued to flow as long as there were pots to be filled, but as she filled the last pot, the oil stopped flowing.  So, she received just as much oil as she expected, measured by the number of pots she borrowed. Had she borrowed twice as many pots, they would all have been filled. So, Elisha set the law in motion for her, but she determined the extent to which the law worked, based on her expectations.

Hinderances To Success or why people fail.

Embracing Limiting Beliefs and Negative Self-Talk, Failure to Think, and Absence of Goals are three common reasons why people fail.

What are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are deeply embedded convictions that constrain our potential and dictate the boundaries of what we perceive as possible.  We therefore focus on the negatives in life, overshadowing any positive experiences or achievements. Limiting beliefs lead to diminished self-confidence and a lowered sense of self-worth; which are hinderances to success in life.

How To Overcome Self-Limiting Beliefs

Challenge Your Beliefs: Question the validity of your beliefs. Are they based on objective truths or skewed perceptions? For example, if you believe you are not good at Math, revisit the incident that made you conclude so. Was it truly indicative of your abilities or just an isolated event?

Reframe Your Thinking: Adopt a growth mindset. View challenges as opportunities for development rather than indicators of incapability. Instead of “I can’t”, say “I’ll learn” or “I’ll try.” This shift in perspective can make a significant difference, turning hurdles into steppingstones.

Take Action: Don’t just introspect, act against your limiting belief. If you think you can’t do something, try it. Whether you succeed or fail, the act of trying can shatter the power of that belief.

Surround Yourself With Positivity: Our environment influences our beliefs.  Connect with positive individuals, consume uplifting contents, and engage in activities that reinforce constructive beliefs.  Immersing yourself in positivity will fortify your mind against negative convictions.

Invest In Yourself: Consider enrolling in some personal development programs that provide tools and strategies to challenge and change deep-seated beliefs.


What are Negative Self-Talk?

Negative self-talk refer to the internal dialogues that diminish our self-worth, reinforce our insecurities, amplifies our shortcomings, and shape our perceptions, actions, and reactions in everyday life.

Identifying negative self-talk.

Minimization: Downplaying our achievements and positive traits, attributing our achievements to luck or external factors rather than our own skills and effort.

Magnification: This involves blowing our mistakes or perceived flaws out of proportion; viewing a small misstep as a colossal failure, emphasizing our imperfections and dwelling on the worst possible interpretations.

Overgeneralization: Isolated incidents are perceived as sweeping, unchangeable patterns. For example, facing rejection once might lead one to believe they’ll always be rejected.

Personalization: Attributing external events, especially negative ones, directly to ourselves, even if we had little to no control over them. For example, if a friend is distant, we immediately assume it’s because of something we did or said.


Case Study: The Case of the 100 Classmates.

This case study will show how failure to think and the absence of goal hinders success.

A survey was conducted in America nearly a hundred years ago that tracked the progress of 100 high school classmates from graduation to retirement at the age range of 60-65. The survey found that out of the 100 classmates, only one had become very rich, four were financially self-sufficient, 41 could get by without assistance while the remaining 54 needed some external assistance of some sort, from the government, family, or friends, etc.

What is surprising is that the findings haven’t changed over the years across the world, in both developed and underdeveloped nations.  Check how many of your classmates fall into each of the categories.  You’ll be surprised at how closely the numbers match those above.

Matters Arising From The Survey

What do these numbers tell us about success? Let us ask some relevant questions, and the answers will give us some insight.

Question: Why did so many fail?

Answer: Because they failed to think. People who don’t think always end up doing the bidding of those who think. Thinkers set the agenda, and the non-thinkers follow because they are incapable of setting their own agenda.

Question: If thinking is so important, why is it that so many people (95%) don’t think?

Answer: The reason is that in some societies, most of the population are never really required to think because the system thinks for them. In some others where the system doesn’t think for them, thinking is never taught or encouraged. In some, entire systems just don’t think.  They only stumble from one unresolved problem to another.

Other reasons include complacency and laziness. When people are satisfied with their situation in life, the urge to think disappears. Zero thinking is the comfort zone of 95% of the population. Other reasons include mental laziness, since thinking is hard mental work that requires courage, focus, and determination.

Question: What happened to the vision each of them had when they graduated?

Answer: Here are some possibilities. a) they had no vision at all, b) the visions were not defined clearly enough to be pursuable, c) they lost their focus somewhere along the way, d) they became too lazy to pursue the vision.

Question: What is responsible for the gap between their goals at graduation and where they end up some forty years later?

Answer: They failed to define what success meant to them, so they kept shifting the goalpost of success, and as in sports, as long as goalposts keep moving, there can be no genuine winners.





Scriptures: …but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2


Reprogramming the subconscious mind is not just about achieving goals; it’s about transforming one’s relationship with oneself and the world.  Through various techniques, individuals can reshape their beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors, ultimately enhancing their lives.

By implementing consistent practices and fostering a deeper connection with the subconscious, individuals can unlock the immense potential that lies within, leading to an improved quality of life and a greater sense of fulfillment.


Techniques for Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Gratitude Journaling

One of the easiest ways to reprogram the subconscious towards your goal is through keeping a handwritten journal of the good things that have happened, or presently happening in your life.  This is referred to as gratitude journaling. This “attitude of gratitude” works because if you don’t appreciate the good things you already have, you are unlikely to benefit from adding more of them because you probably won’t even recognize them if they slapped you in the face!



Journaling serves as a bridge between thought and action, turning abstract affirmations into concrete manifestations. Each written word acts as a testament to our commitment, adding weight to our intentions. As we pen down our affirmations, we’re not merely capturing them on paper but etching them into our subconscious. This tangible record serves as a daily touchpoint, reminding us of our expectations and reinforcing our commitment to them.


So, buy a notebook, and label it “Gratitude Journal.”  Then set aside a few minutes each day to write three things that you are grateful for.  And it doesn’t matter how big or small those things are, and you can repeat yourself sometimes. You can even add a reason if you feel inclined to. The important thing is to express it in a positive way.

When you invest a few moments each day consciously focusing on the good things happening in your life, your entire outlook begins to shift in a positive direction, and with a positive outlook also comes positive thoughts and actions. You are in a way, allowing positivity to filter into other parts of your life, and when you occupy your thoughts with only the good things you desire in life, it becomes easier to have more of those things in your life.

The goal of gratitude journaling is to let having positive conscious thoughts become a habit. Habits develop by doing something consciously at first, and as it is repeated several times over, it creates a pathway through the brain neurons, until it can be done without even paying attention. This is the same pathway used in every kind of skill acquisition; difficult at first, then it becomes easier and easier until we can do it without even paying attention. Building gratitude into your life this way leads to the creation of the habits that ultimately lead to having a positive outlook on life generally which manifests into reality.

Examples: You can write something like, “I’m grateful to be alive today because I can go to work, earn money, and take care of my family.”  “I am grateful that someone invented the phone because then, I can talk to my parents who live thousands of miles away.” “I’m grateful I have a job.” …I’m married, have siblings etc.

Importance of Writing Things Down

Writing something down by hand gives the brain more work than just thinking about it. The process of picking up a piece of paper, a pen, and physically manipulating them to produce a coherent message engages a lot more of our brain resources than simply thinking, or messaging. Reading it over several times gives it even more potency, and the subconscious will work to implement it.



Visualization refer to forming mental images and scenarios that are not immediately present to the senses – a kind of mental rehearsal of expected physical outcomes. Visualization enables us to have a raw experience of the goal accomplished, including the emotions.

Why Visualization Works

They work because of the way the brain functions. The brain has to experience something first before the thing can become a reality. Visualization provides an opportunity to mentally experience a desired future in the present, or “see the end from the beginning.” This agrees with the teaching of Jesus in Mark 11:24 that says, “Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive it and you shall have it.” In other words, you have to see it before you can receive it.

How To Visualize

Visualization Exercise: Think of a black sheep. Now, imagine it’s white. Change it to brown. Transform the sheep into a dog, and hear it barking loudly. Go over and calm it down. Don’t worry, it’s safe. Look down to see you are wearing white sneakers, which tells the dog you are a friend. Gently stroke its head, and feel how soft the hairs are. Now, see the dog lying beside a closed cardboard box with “Chicken Republic” written on its side. As you open the box to grab a piece of chicken, you find it also contains some sweet-smelling curried rice. Taste the rice, take a big bite out of the chicken, and give the rest to the dog. It grabs it, and hides under a nearby table. End your visualization. Notice that all your five senses are engaged, which makes it all the more effective.


To use visualization for accomplishing your goal, start by asking the question; “What do I want?” Be as specific as possible, and using that answer as your starting point, visualize your desired goal as described above. As in the above exercise, you can steer it any way you want. Incidentally, this is what we do so effortlessly whenever we plan a journey, party or any future event.


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are simple, positive, present-tense statements about what we desire, as if already accomplished.   They are expressions of intent that capture an individual’s aspirations, beliefs, and desires. Affirmations, in essence, serve as directives to the subconscious, instructing it on the patterns of thought we wish to adopt.

Their strength lies in their simplicity and clarity. When internalized with conviction, affirmations hold the potential to alter our mindset, recalibrating our focus towards positivity, growth, and achievement.

For example, a student grappling with text anxiety might employ the affirmation, “I am prepared and capable.” Over time, as this affirmation is consistently reinforced, the subconscious mind begins to align with the belief, gradually easing the anxiety associated with testing situations.


Why Affirmations Work

If we tell ourselves something so many times, we’ll start to believe it, and as the belief gets stronger, we are going to try it out; if for no other reason than to see what happens. And because we’ve been telling ourselves what/who we are, our mind has been primed to be more inclined to notice related opportunities that are bound to come our way.

The power of an affirmation is directly proportional to its clarity, positivity, and it’s alignment with our core beliefs. Effective affirmations are brief yet emotionally charged, steering clear of ambiguity. Examples: “I am a beacon of positivity.” “Every hurdle strengthens my resolve.”  “I radiate love and kindness.” exemplify the harmony of clarity and emotion.

Affirmations function by reprogramming the habitual thought patterns entrenched in our minds. One who constantly ruminates over negative things, like hatred for a job, or frustration with a spouse solidifies these negative perspectives. The other who repeatedly vocalizes positive affirmations inspire uplifting and empowering beliefs. For example, a person who is constantly bogged down by the thought “I am not good enough,” can actively combat this by repeating the affirmation “I am competent and worthy.” Over time, positive reinforcement begins to challenge and eventually replace the negative belief.

Audiovisual Dimension

Repeating affirmations aloud provides an auditory dimension to the practice, enhancing its impact. When we vocalize our formations, we not only think about them but also hear them, thereby reinforcing their message through multiple sensory channels. Recording and playing back affirmations offers an opportunity for continuous reinforcement. Taking this a step further, and looking in the mirror while speaking your affirmations can be an immensely powerful practice that introduces a visual reinforcement, fostering a deeper connection between the visualized self and the affirmation’s message.

For affirmations to truly make a difference, it is critical to connect it with emotion. This emotional connection reinforces the affirmation, amplifies its transformative potential, and ensures that the practice of affirming isn’t just a cerebral activity but one that engages both the mind and the heart.

Examples of affirmations: “I am capable and competent in all that I do” “I am calm and peaceful, no matter what challenges I face.” “I attract loving and supportive relationships into my life.” “My business is expanding day by day.”

In short, the act of visualizing our aspirations and reinforcing them with deliberate, positive affirmations serves as a bridge, connecting our present realities with our envisioned futures.





Scriptures: …but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2


Reprogramming the subconscious mind is not just about achieving goals; it’s about transforming one’s relationship with oneself and the world.  Through various techniques, individuals can reshape their beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors, ultimately enhancing their lives.

By implementing consistent practices and fostering a deeper connection with the subconscious, individuals can unlock the immense potential that lies within, leading to an improved quality of life and a greater sense of fulfillment.


Techniques for Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Gratitude Journaling

One of the easiest ways to reprogram the subconscious towards your goal is through keeping a handwritten journal of the good things that have happened, or presently happening in your life.  This is referred to as gratitude journaling. This “attitude of gratitude” works because if you don’t appreciate the good things you already have, you are unlikely to benefit from adding more of them because you probably won’t even recognize them if they slapped you in the face!



Journaling serves as a bridge between thought and action, turning abstract affirmations into concrete manifestations. Each written word acts as a testament to our commitment, adding weight to our intentions. As we pen down our affirmations, we’re not merely capturing them on paper but etching them into our subconscious. This tangible record serves as a daily touchpoint, reminding us of our expectations and reinforcing our commitment to them.


So, buy a notebook, and label it “Gratitude Journal.”  Then set aside a few minutes each day to write three things that you are grateful for.  And it doesn’t matter how big or small those things are, and you can repeat yourself sometimes. You can even add a reason if you feel inclined to. The important thing is to express it in a positive way.

When you invest a few moments each day consciously focusing on the good things happening in your life, your entire outlook begins to shift in a positive direction, and with a positive outlook also comes positive thoughts and actions. You are in a way, allowing positivity to filter into other parts of your life, and when you occupy your thoughts with only the good things you desire in life, it becomes easier to have more of those things in your life.

The goal of gratitude journaling is to let having positive conscious thoughts become a habit. Habits develop by doing something consciously at first, and as it is repeated several times over, it creates a pathway through the brain neurons, until it can be done without even paying attention. This is the same pathway used in every kind of skill acquisition; difficult at first, then it becomes easier and easier until we can do it without even paying attention. Building gratitude into your life this way leads to the creation of the habits that ultimately lead to having a positive outlook on life generally which manifests into reality.

Examples: You can write something like, “I’m grateful to be alive today because I can go to work, earn money, and take care of my family.”  “I am grateful that someone invented the phone because then, I can talk to my parents who live thousands of miles away.” “I’m grateful I have a job.” …I’m married, have siblings etc.

Importance of Writing Things Down

Writing something down by hand gives the brain more work than just thinking about it. The process of picking up a piece of paper, a pen, and physically manipulating them to produce a coherent message engages a lot more of our brain resources than simply thinking, or messaging. Reading it over several times gives it even more potency, and the subconscious will work to implement it.



Visualization refer to forming mental images and scenarios that are not immediately present to the senses – a kind of mental rehearsal of expected physical outcomes. Visualization enables us to have a raw experience of the goal accomplished, including the emotions.

Why Visualization Works

They work because of the way the brain functions. The brain has to experience something first before the thing can become a reality. Visualization provides an opportunity to mentally experience a desired future in the present, or “see the end from the beginning.” This agrees with the teaching of Jesus in Mark 11:24 that says, “Whatsoever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive it and you shall have it.” In other words, you have to see it before you can receive it.

How To Visualize

Visualization Exercise: Think of a black sheep. Now, imagine it’s white. Change it to brown. Transform the sheep into a dog, and hear it barking loudly. Go over and calm it down. Don’t worry, it’s safe. Look down to see you are wearing white sneakers, which tells the dog you are a friend. Gently stroke its head, and feel how soft the hairs are. Now, see the dog lying beside a closed cardboard box with “Chicken Republic” written on its side. As you open the box to grab a piece of chicken, you find it also contains some sweet-smelling curried rice. Taste the rice, take a big bite out of the chicken, and give the rest to the dog. It grabs it, and hides under a nearby table. End your visualization. Notice that all your five senses are engaged, which makes it all the more effective.


To use visualization for accomplishing your goal, start by asking the question; “What do I want?” Be as specific as possible, and using that answer as your starting point, visualize your desired goal as described above. As in the above exercise, you can steer it any way you want. Incidentally, this is what we do so effortlessly whenever we plan a journey, party or any future event.


What are affirmations?

Affirmations are simple, positive, present-tense statements about what we desire, as if already accomplished.   They are expressions of intent that capture an individual’s aspirations, beliefs, and desires. Affirmations, in essence, serve as directives to the subconscious, instructing it on the patterns of thought we wish to adopt.

Their strength lies in their simplicity and clarity. When internalized with conviction, affirmations hold the potential to alter our mindset, recalibrating our focus towards positivity, growth, and achievement.

For example, a student grappling with text anxiety might employ the affirmation, “I am prepared and capable.” Over time, as this affirmation is consistently reinforced, the subconscious mind begins to align with the belief, gradually easing the anxiety associated with testing situations.


Why Affirmations Work

If we tell ourselves something so many times, we’ll start to believe it, and as the belief gets stronger, we are going to try it out; if for no other reason than to see what happens. And because we’ve been telling ourselves what/who we are, our mind has been primed to be more inclined to notice related opportunities that are bound to come our way.

The power of an affirmation is directly proportional to its clarity, positivity, and it’s alignment with our core beliefs. Effective affirmations are brief yet emotionally charged, steering clear of ambiguity. Examples: “I am a beacon of positivity.” “Every hurdle strengthens my resolve.”  “I radiate love and kindness.” exemplify the harmony of clarity and emotion.

Affirmations function by reprogramming the habitual thought patterns entrenched in our minds. One who constantly ruminates over negative things, like hatred for a job, or frustration with a spouse solidifies these negative perspectives. The other who repeatedly vocalizes positive affirmations inspire uplifting and empowering beliefs. For example, a person who is constantly bogged down by the thought “I am not good enough,” can actively combat this by repeating the affirmation “I am competent and worthy.” Over time, positive reinforcement begins to challenge and eventually replace the negative belief.

Audiovisual Dimension

Repeating affirmations aloud provides an auditory dimension to the practice, enhancing its impact. When we vocalize our formations, we not only think about them but also hear them, thereby reinforcing their message through multiple sensory channels. Recording and playing back affirmations offers an opportunity for continuous reinforcement. Taking this a step further, and looking in the mirror while speaking your affirmations can be an immensely powerful practice that introduces a visual reinforcement, fostering a deeper connection between the visualized self and the affirmation’s message.

For affirmations to truly make a difference, it is critical to connect it with emotion. This emotional connection reinforces the affirmation, amplifies its transformative potential, and ensures that the practice of affirming isn’t just a cerebral activity but one that engages both the mind and the heart.

Examples of affirmations: “I am capable and competent in all that I do” “I am calm and peaceful, no matter what challenges I face.” “I attract loving and supportive relationships into my life.” “My business is expanding day by day.”

In short, the act of visualizing our aspirations and reinforcing them with deliberate, positive affirmations serves as a bridge, connecting our present realities with our envisioned futures.

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