For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Prov. 23:7
“Thinking is the process of using one’s mind to produce thoughts, solve or work out problems in the head. To conceive or be pregnant with ideas. Reasoning with a purpose.”
Thinking is a product of the mind, and the brain is its organ or tool. Thinking must have a subject on which to focus, and therefore the very first step in thinking for success is to have a definite main goal or desire, often abbreviated as DMG, and DMD respectively.
Thinking is the source of all inventions. From the viewpoint of creationism, nothing new had been created in the universe since creation ended on the sixth day. Everything else since then has only been discoveries. For context, imagine that all future discoveries in our universe have been deposited by the Creator in a vast ocean. Thinking is the equivalent of a hook to fish them out into consciousness as discoveries for the benefit of humanity.
Thoughts are things. Everything in nature including thoughts exists in the form of energy and vibrations, each with its unique frequency. For example, the difference between water and ice is that the vibrations in water are faster than that of ice since they both contain oxygen and hydrogen in the same proportion. The chair you are sitting on contains particles vibrating at high speeds although it is solid.
Thoughts produce ideas, which may be used positively or negatively. Ideas can lead to inventions as easily as they can lead to crime. For instance, research has shown that many criminals meticulously think out their crimes well in advance before carrying them out. Sometimes a single thought may lead to one or more discoveries while at other times, it may take several ideas to lead to a single discovery. The bottom line however is that there can be no invention or discovery without the process of thinking.
The Laws of Thinking.
Several laws apply to thinking, but we will consider thy four most relevant, to our approach to the subject.
- You become what you think about all the time because all causations are from the inside out.
- There is a power in the universe that transmutes(converts) thoughts into their physical equivalents.
- What you sow as thought in your subconscious mind you reap as conditions in your body and life.
- You are what your habit makes you, and habit is a product of thought.
Every time you think, you are using one or more of the Laws of mind. You should therefore always think constructively.
Whatever you do not want in your life, do not keep in mind, not even for a minute.
Positively exclude the thought of it by substituting what you want.
For example when you say something like ‘I don’t want to think about something; that, exactly is what comes to your mind instantly. Instead, say I am thinking of whatever is positive you want in your life.
The Principle That Makes Thinking Work:
The law that makes thinking work is simple, inflexible, and impartial. It works like the Law of Life that causes a seed dropped in the soil to germinate and produce fruits after its kind. There is an energy, like that of gravity or electricity that flows through all life that enables thoughts to create things, tangible and intangible. This law was set off at creation and has continued to work till today. When seed (thought) is planted in the soil (subconscious mind) the seed, through the law of life is set in motion, and on its own, combines all the elements needed for plant life like water, heat, sunlight, and nutrients. The seed can do these of its own accord without human interference because of the operation of the law of life. (Refer to Lecture 1 on Mind)
What Happens When You Think?
When you think, brain cells are observed to light up on an electroencephalograph (EEG) machine as neurons create new paths of travel, thereby generating new ideas for the way Marines cut through difficult terrains for other branches to follow. As often happens, different individuals arrive at identical conclusions via different thinking pathways. Different individuals sometimes come up with the same ideas, but their brains arrived there through different pathways of thinking. (Brainstorming exercises thrive on this phenomenon)
All inventions and discoveries; past, present, and future exist in the form of energy in the universe, and when you think, figuratively, your mind is swimming in this vast ocean of energy that contains a limitless number of potential inventions and discoveries. The thoughts you think into it gravitate towards similar thoughts from like-minded individuals, and these interactions have the potential to result in new discoveries and inventions. Thoughts that are alike, attract each other while those that oppose each other repel. For this reason, you should always think about the ideas that support your goals and reject those that oppose them.
Negative attitudes like fears, anxieties, and worries are always detrimental to your goals.
Some Statistics on Thinking: start here Monday 5th
The following statistics are found to be valid across the nations of the world regardless of the level of development.
90% of all of life’s miseries and failures are caused by not thinking or wrong thinking.
Only 5% of the people think while 95% don’t. This is true in any nation.
That same 5% of the population employs 95% of the people in any country.
98% of the population do not know EXACTLY WHAT they want in life, in other words, they don’t know that one thing they’d rather have than anything else in life.
While 98% of the people can tell you half a dozen or more things they want in life, they cannot identify the single all-consuming goal of their lives; and that is the reason for their misery and failure.
A wise man once said people are in need because they do not know their needs.
Characteristics of Thought:
Thoughts are creative, and impartial, and make no moral judgments. Thought is the mother of inventions, and intervention can be positive or negative. Thoughts will create scientific inventions with the same temerity as a criminal act. It all depends on what is fed to the mind. Research has shown that most criminals meticulously plan and rehearse their crimes before committing them.
Thought must have a subject to be of any benefit. Random thinking is not thinking at all.
We can think of only one thing at a time. Multi-tasking in thought is a farce.
Thinking produces thoughts and ideas which can lead to positive outcomes such as vaccines or negative outcomes like wars.
Thoughts and ideas need to be organized and actionable to be of any benefit. The first order of thinking is to churn out ideas (brainstorming), and the second order is to organize them for problem-solving and discoveries.
Words vibrate at a frequency slower enough to be detectable by our auditory sense (hearing) while thoughts vibrate at a frequency beyond all of our five senses, but thoughts can be perceived by extrasensory means.
Thoughts can be hidden inside words as with satire, sarcasm, parables, allegories, etc. In sarcasm, for instance, the words are opposites of the thoughts or ideas behind them. Incongruency of words and thoughts is common in the scriptures as with the parables and allegories of Jesus used.
Why People Don’t Think.
Illiteracy/Ignorance: The mind is our tool for thinking, and most people are not even aware they have a mind, much less what it is used for or how to use it for their benefit.
Preoccupation with survival: Thinking requires time, focus, and consistency, but most people are preoccupied with physical and socioeconomic survival.
Such people cannot afford the luxury of thinking and remain trapped in ignorance and thereby suffer the consequences of not thinking.
Conformity: To conform is to act in accord with prevailing attitudes, and practices of a group or society. It is the path of least resistance, but often the least profitable. It is so much easier to let others think for you than to think for yourself and of course, those who think to do so in their best interest first before thinking of other people’s interests. Since no one can think for the other, those who don’t think to lose out in life.
Cultural: The educational system of a nation (from kindergarten to college) may be programmed to promote a thinking culture instead of a vacuous one.
Therefore people don’t think because they just never learned how which can be disastrous for whole groups and nations.
Consequences of Not Thinking:
The consequences of not thinking include underdevelopment at personal, institutional, and national levels evidenced by poverty, disease, high mortality, and a general state of despair leading to social ills such as corruption, crime, terrorism, and anarchy.
Thought is the cause while situations and circumstances are effects. Things don’t just happen, they are caused, which means that you can change your situation in life by changing your thoughts.
Thought is creative and created first in imagination (spiritual equivalent) and then in the physical. When you are focused on your goal without wavering, then that goal will be accomplished, not by willpower or hard always created first in the abstract (spiritual equivalent) and then in the physical realm. When your goal is the focus of your thinking, that goal will be accomplished unfailingly, not by hard work or willpower but by the same immutable law that grows the seed in the soil.
You become what you think about all the time because that is the way the human mind is programmed. What you think about all the time is passed on to your subconscious mind which can accomplish the object of your thought. For example, the one who thinks about crime all the time becomes a criminal, the one who thinks about nothing becomes a nonentity, and the one who thinks about success all the time becomes a success.